The message of the president

The message of the president

The message of the president

This is a story that we wrote in 1989 with the values ​​of reason, trust, loyalty and faith, together with my partners whom we call my brothers.

We started this journey by saying we instead of me. We wrote what we were going to do, we did what we wrote. We put our company in the foreground instead of our individuals. Each of us worked as if we were the sole owner of the company, not as a partner. We overcame every obstacle we encountered, back to back, shoulder to shoulder, struggling with patience and prayer. We took care to be reliable and trustworthy, and we pursued lawful earnings by adopting the motto of being fair.

In the partnerships we established and the separations we experienced, we did not harbor anger but love in our hearts. We became those who swallowed their anger, cared about forgiveness and adopted patience as a principle.

We combined the experiences we had and created the “YÖN GROUP FAMILY BYLAWS”. We achieved an institutional structure where both we and our children could live together.

I say “YÖN GROUP” because we have grown and become a huge family. In addition to our main business of Erciyes Anadolu Holding, which has been our main business for 20 years, we have stepped into the construction sector with Ender İnşaat A.Ş., which we established in 1995.

Our goal is to announce the reputation and reputation of ENDER İnşaat domestically and abroad and to make it a brand.

Our companies, which aim to be indispensable and the best in the sector in all business lines in which we operate, have adopted the principle of constantly keeping the necessary technological equipment, logistics infrastructure, sufficient capital and human resources up-to-date in order to achieve this goal.

Due to our quarter-century corporate culture, the value judgments that make us who we are and our sense of responsibility; we are aware of the work we do. The point we are at increases our responsibility even more.

Overcoming the difficulties of commercial life in the globalizing world is only possible with a strong capital structure and, more importantly, with qualified human resources. In this context, we have been by the side of all our colleagues in good and bad days, caring about their peace and happiness.

We care about providing added value to our employers and business partners, ensuring that both they and their employees are happy to work with us and that they feel at peace with our togetherness.

On this path that we embarked on with patience and determination, we never stopped thanking our Lord who has given us so many blessings. We also made an effort and endeavor to fulfill the requirements of our social responsibilities.

Today, I would like to thank and pray to my company partners who have contributed to the existence of the name Yön Group of Companies and who we have walked hand in hand on this journey;

I would like to thank and pray to my company partners who have supported us in every way since the beginning and who have been by our side in all kinds of troubles, who have paved the way for us, who have broadened our horizons, and with whom I am honored to work together.

I would like to express my endless gratitude to our devoted, loyal, and friendly dealers who are the dealers of the brands we represent in both regions.

I would like to thank all our stakeholders who have a share in the branding of ENDER İnşaat, our representative in the construction sector, and all my colleagues who have been present, contributed, and supported us at every point of our group, especially my partners with whom we have become brothers, and their families who support them.

My effort and prayer is that this structure continues unbroken for generations, earns halal and spends in halal places.

I wish mercy to those who wrote this story and changed their world, peace to those who left and success to those who walk with us.

With love and respect,

Chairman of the Board of Directors

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